Pixel Craft and Minecraft
Found this lovely example of Minecraft being used to teach. Children are far too young to know why the graphics of mincraft are made up of squares, they see it as just the style and do not get the reference to pixels. But pixels are still an important concept for image and game design and for many other applications.
So what the artist did here, was to get the children to paint wooden minecraft swords and pix axes whilst explaining the stuff too them. Fantastic idea 🙂
We’ve only done cardboard swords and little squares of colours card and though we have used the game to spark conversations about geology and used the red stone to build basic circuits with kids, we hadn’t actually thought about the pixel aspect as of course we grew up with it!
Posted: Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 @ 8:06 am
Categories: Education, Geeky Craft, Minecraft.
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