The Skeleton Catcher

My husband found a skeleton spawner and has built a harvesting machine/mechanism.

Skeleton spawner minecraft

It basically works because if you put signs on the sides of a tunnel the skeletons (or any mob, villager etc…) can walk through it but the lava will not flow down through it – it is a bit of a bug/quirk which means you can do interesting things with the minecraft fluids (lava and water).

Skeletons in the skeleton killing machine minecraft

Alaric then put water along the bottom of his little corridor of death so the skeletons get washed down into the lava and their bones and arrows come out of the other end for him to collect.

Collections of arrows and bones from skeleton killing machine in minecraft

Glass walls mean the skeletons see you and start coming over to try and kill you ad thus end up in the water.

Posted: Thursday, May 8th, 2014 @ 8:03 am
Categories: Minecraft.
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